A warning first......SPOILERS
I do soo love Star Trek, all of it, well maybe not ALL. Several of the movies could have been done without and the latest series was only remotely watchable, the episodes with Brent Spiner being the only really interesting ones.
The original holds the dearest place in my heart, for all the cheesy acting, ridiculous dialogue, and horrific Scottish accents, every time I watch it I get warm fuzzys in the pit of my dorky little soul.
So when I heard this movie was coming out I was elated and terrified in turns. To see the Enterprise back on any screen was impossibly exciting, but to see the characters given over to new actors and a special effects driven movie industry made me squirm. The trailers proclaiming "this is not your fathers Star Trek" only deepened my misgivings. What the hell was wrong with the Star Trek I grew up with, that my mother chased James Doohan through Madison Square Gardens because of, that gave us the ideas for so much of the technology we have today.
So with bated breath I went to the midnight premier in costume. Waiting for them to smash everything to bits, and they did.
The movie was great, easily one of my favorites, the characters where spot on with the exception of the Vulcans. Spock having a sex life without the aid of spores, and his father being FAR more accepting of his human side, even before they kill off Amanda. But to be honest it was an acceptable diversion from the original, at least to me.
Character interplay was everything I had come to love in the original and beyond. The first look at the Enterprise in space was breath taking...I really did fall in love with her all over again.
But they really did mean it when they said it wasn't going to be my father's Star Trek, they didn't just make it sharper and edgier, they erased my fathers Star Trek from the canon. Rendered it a defunct alternate universe, they resurrected and erased my favorite characters, and somehow I don't know if I can forgive that. So I won't, I'll instead treat it as I was meant to treat the original, as a wonderfully executed AU fanfiction.
I can't wait for the next one!
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