Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Nick Fury!!
Wait wait wait...... What the fuck is this? David Hasselhoff?! Fury is a white guy? *muffled whispering offstage*...Sorry just a second.. what! really? oh, ok then.. Well, sorry about that, bit of a misunderstanding there. It would appear that Nick Fury is in fact David Hasselhoff, apparently Samuel L Jackson has not been playing Ni-HEY.. *more muffled whispering* what the hell!..fine, fine!..need to frikin make up their damn minds..
Anyway, apparently Nick was white, then for no discernible reason, (other than Samuel is badass) has developed far more pigment, in both the comics and the movies. So I present to you the latest and clearly more baddass version of Nick Fury..

Now up until this point the latest version of Mr. Fury has been (in the big theaters) sticking to cookies with negligible screen time. Well no longer! As of 2010 we will apparently be getting big dose of the latest incarnation of our faviroite monocular bad boy in the form of a movie devoted to him, entitled simply Nick Fury. Not however to be confused with the straight to tv release of Nick Fury agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. In witch the rather annoying David Hasselhoff plays Fury. I know your thinking it, don't do it, your better off not seeing.
Unfortunately I don't know for sure that this movie will be made. Little has been said about it, and almost nothing is confirmed on IMDb. Will we get a new Fury movie to go along with all the other Marvel heroes being given the silver screen treatment for the new Avengers movie? Perhaps we'll just have to be content with the rumors that Nicky will be getting more screen time in Iron Man 2. (Another RDJ movie I can't wait to see)
Either way I'm dashed excited.
Fury was white, then black, ans is now both black and white, though apparently not at the same time within the same contimuum. Or something. (But in a crossover, perhaps...) I've just given up and look for the eyepatch before I go "Ah, that's Nick."